
July 4, 2024

Authentic Tamil Nadu Style Sambar Recipe: How to Prepare Delicious Sambar for Idli and More!

By |April 21st, 2024|Categories: , , |Tags: , , |

Sambar—one of the favorite South Indian dishes—is a kind of thick soup that has pigeon pea lentils, vegetables, tamarind, and a very characteristic sambar powder that gives it its flavor. Sambar, one of the masterpieces of South Indian cuisine, has reached every nook and corner of India. The basic composition includes cooked lentils with one or two vegetables, tamarind juice, sambar powder, and few other spices. Well, the quality of the sambar depends mainly on the use of the sambar powder, of course. A real aromatic one can make a huge difference. While today, most people are interested in buying

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