Singapore’s city-state is where ultramodern skylines are interlaced with lush greenery, and a rich stew of cultures intermingles vibrantly within its daily life. Known for being very clean, with some of the strictest laws in the world, and a mecca of technology and commerce, Singapore tantalizes all its visitors’ senses with a vibrant and diverse culinary landscape. Let’s take a closer peek into this unique urban oasis through its sights, sounds, and flavors.


Singapore is a city-state. It is the 2nd smallest country in Asia. And also 2nd richest in Asia.

5.612 Million

Official Languages
English, Malay, Chinese, Tamil

Safety Score
90% – One of the safest city in the world

Morbi vitae purus dictum, ultrices tellus in, gravida lectus.

Introduction to Singapore

Singapore, a sovereign island city-state in Southeast Asia, stands as a global beacon of progress and diversity. Established as a British trading colony in 1819 and gaining independence in 1965, it has since transformed into a bustling metropolis known for its ambitious skyline, bustling port, and strict governance. This small country, with a total land area of just 728 square kilometers, is densely packed with a mix of ethnicities, including Chinese, Malay, Indian, and a medley of other nationalities. The fusion of these cultures has given rise to a unique societal fabric, weaving together traditions and modernity. As you dive deeper into Singapore’s story, you will uncover a place where every street and building tells a tale of ambition, discipline, and multicultural harmony.

History of Singapore

The history of Singapore is a fascinating journey of transformation and resilience. Originally a sparsely populated island with a predominantly Malay population and a scattering of fishing villages, it was not until Sir Stamford Raffles established a British East India Company trading post here in 1819 that Singapore’s modern narrative began. This strategic move was pivotal in shaping its destiny as a major international trading hub. Over the centuries, the influx of immigrants from China, India, and other parts of Asia added rich layers to the demographic and cultural landscape. After enduring Japanese occupation during World War II and subsequent merger and separation with Malaysia, Singapore emerged as an independent nation in 1965. Under the leadership of its founding prime minister, Lee Kuan Yew, Singapore embarked on a path of rapid economic development, strict societal order, and intensive urbanization, all of which have crafted the prosperous, diverse, and dynamic country we see today.

Weather & Best Time to Visit

Singapore is known for its tropical rainforest climate, characterized by uniform temperature, high humidity, and abundant rainfall throughout the year. Temperatures generally range from 25 to 31 degrees Celsius, making it warm and muggy most of the time. The country does not experience distinct seasons, but there are variations in rainfall depending on the monsoon season. The Northeast Monsoon between November and early March brings more rain, particularly during November and December, while the Southwest Monsoon from June to September usually marks a slightly drier period. For those looking to explore the outdoors and enjoy the vibrant street life and festivals, the best time to visit is during the drier months, from February to April, when the weather is more pleasant and conducive to sightseeing and outdoor activities.

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Top 6 Attractions of Singapore

Orci varius natoque penatibus et magnis dis parturient montes, nascetur ridiculus mus. Nullam nec ex vitae orci convallis molestie non vel lacus. Aenean ut massa ligula. Praesent pretium, ante a blandit tempus, nulla nisl ullamcorper ante, ut lobortis diam massa eleifend neque. Vivamus sodales lorem at ultricies ultrices. Maecenas dictum ipsum eu augue viverra congue. Donec non porttitor magna, vel fermentum lectus. Suspendisse non eleifend ante.

Marina Bay Sands

Singapore’s most iconic hotel with the world’s largest rooftop Infinity Pool

Gardens By The Day

A colorful and futuristic nature park spanning 101 hectares of land


Narrow roads including food streets with restaurants serving traditional foods

Haji Lane

Colorful street popular with backpackers for it’s amazing vibe

Little India

Known for Temples, Traditional Indian resturants and shopping

Orchard Road

Best are for shopping. Surrounded by local and international brand shops

#1 Marina Bay Sands

Donec non tincidunt quam, vitae scelerisque augue. Aenean metus lorem, laoreet vestibulum nibh eget, accumsan fermentum odio. Aenean rhoncus, nisi lobortis efficitur elementum, urna nibh convallis ligula, auctor lobortis lacus ipsum eget magna. Maecenas velit erat, euismod consectetur vehicula ut, mollis sollicitudin tellus. Nam sit amet nisl ullamcorper, pulvinar libero sed, blandit tortor. Nunc ultricies augue eu dolor congue pulvinar. Curabitur vel volutpat justo, a ornare nisi.

Nam eu purus et orci dapibus posuere sed id nulla. Curabitur sit amet diam sit amet erat fermentum feugiat. Curabitur tristique tortor eu mauris aliquam malesuada. Aliquam nec scelerisque nunc. Vivamus enim sapien, lobortis id metus eu, condimentum congue lacus. Vestibulum augue nibh, hendrerit sed lorem at, scelerisque ornare dolor. Praesent id dignissim dolor, sit amet interdum mi. Duis varius metus vel sem dignissim, sit amet imperdiet urna eleifend. Vestibulum mattis nunc orci, nec interdum velit pulvinar at. Suspendisse ut dui turpis. Praesent faucibus venenatis augue nec semper. Mauris eu scelerisque dui. Vestibulum varius tortor mi, a pharetra nulla rutrum sed. Integer quis justo et metus molestie malesuada suscipit et dolor. Mauris nec efficitur ipsum. Mauris luctus erat nec purus consequat, at lacinia metus gravida.

#2 Gardens by the Bay

Sed convallis, ligula non varius accumsan, sapien metus ullamcorper odio, sed cursus dui lacus vel ex. Nam id quam a justo varius scelerisque sed ut quam. Mauris interdum non sem vel maximus. Vestibulum augue nunc, rhoncus dictum posuere mollis, gravida et dolor. Curabitur tristique vitae urna sit amet sagittis. Phasellus pulvinar ut augue ac imperdiet. Aenean congue lectus a neque aliquam, vitae rhoncus neque commodo.

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By Published On: February 27th, 2019Categories: Places0 Comments on City Guide: Singapore

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